Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Hello Blogger Land--Why do I stay away so long? I wanted to check in and share the latest news. In July we celebrated our two (2) year anniversary. It is a process growing the organization, but myself and the board are committed to taking MYNG to the next level and look forward to the upcoming years.

Earlier this year we started providing life skill classes for residents/participants of the Turning Point program sponsored by the Center for Children and Young Adults, Inc. Turning Point is designed to provide vocational and independent living skills for older adolescents enabling them to become self-sufficient adults and in turn decrease their dependency on social services. MYNG sponsored workshops that included, creating vision boards, interview skills, public speaking and networking to name a few. You guys know I consistently promote higher education and my hope is that many of them will choose that path. We will resume the workshops this month and we are most excited.

We will be approaching our after school program MYNG Institute a little differently this year. The program will no longer be one day a week in one central location, but we will expand and travel to different locations throughout the week. This allows the program to reach a broader audience and enables us to reach and assist more students. We are still finalizing details, but we are set to begin mid October and I will have the details listed on the website. Additionally, if you have a school or organization that you would like to recommend for the program please contact me directly at

O.K., I think we are all caught up. As always, we appreciate your support through your financial donations, volunteering and prayers.