Monday, October 6, 2008

They CAN'T vote, but we CAN!

My thoughts are simple certain that you are registered to vote. It's amazing when I watch the news or read an article and see statistics of how many Americans are unregistered voters. I was in the Butler Street YMCA and a young man (around 15) came in with a t-shirt of a presidential nominee. I asked the young man why he was wearing the shirt and he responded because he wanted to be part of the change. Amazing that a 15 year old who can't vote wants to be part of the change. I don't know that I was that politically conscious at 15 years old. It was great.

There are so many people that came before us that fought for the right of African - Americans and women to vote. Let's just be certain that we exercise that right. My students and other young people CAN'T vote...but you CAN!

Let's be an example for all of them.