Monday, July 12, 2010

Thankful for Reminders

I know for certain that writing can be quite therapeutic for me. I have really enjoyed blogging during these last few weeks. Most people that follow or read my blog know me very well and I don't have to worry about how I express myself because I know they (you) understand me.

Today I was a bit discouraged regarding some plans that did not work out for Summer Academy next week. Exactly 7 days away from our Philly launch, I woke up this morning meditating on my week ahead and told myself that I needed to remain relaxed and to be encouraged despite any potential situations that might arise. To that extent the Daily Word I read today emphasized that the most direct path to an answer is to pray for divine guidance. It acknowledged that guidance can come as an urging, a clear sense of direction or through the suggestion of a friend, but knowing that it was meant for you.

With that said, by early afternoon I was a bit discouraged regarding some plans that fell through regarding next week's launch. My mother noticed I was a bit out of sync and gave me her spirit-lifting devotional (Daily Guideposts) and told me to read the entry for today. It was called, "I will bless you...and you will be a blessing to many others." The premise was that tough stuff happens to us that it is really a gift in disguise. Simply put, Life can be interesting blessings disguised as struggles.

It warmed my heart because of the root of the title passage and it coincided with what I read in my Daily Word just hours earlier..."it was meant for me!"

So, as the sun sets on this day, I'm thankful for reminders. My reminder today brought me back to a place of humility, peace, sincerity and love.

I founded Make Your Name Great with the intention to bless high school students through lessons built on my many successes and failures, so they could matriculate through college successfully. That my friends is what myself and the entire MYNG family WILL do...BLESS MANY OTHERS!!!

Be encouraged in your own struggles because if you allow them, they could be blessings in disguise.


Monday, July 5, 2010

Could It Be?

Could it be that the 40 day countdown is now a 14 day countdown? Two weeks until the launch of Make Your Name Great Summer Academy. Crunch time has finally arrived. I feel a wealth of emotion. I'm nervous, excited, scared, confident, worried and encouraged all at the same time. What if the students do not show up? What if the dog eats my lessons plans (lol)? Then I catch myself and proclaim the students will show up and enjoy every minute and subsequently realize I don't even have a dog!!!!!!

All that said, seriously, I am excited for this moment to arrive. I'm ready to begin and launch what I consider to be a historical moment for the life of MYNG and the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection:-)

14 days to go and we are still in need of your financial support. Remember, IT TAKES A VILLAGE!!! MYNG cannot do it without your financial support. Today I encourage you to give $25 or ask four (4) friends to give $5 and add it to your $5. Whatever system you find that works for you, please assist the MYNG family in supporting the programs and services we provide to our students free of charge. Click here to donate now. IT TAKES A VILLAGE!!!

Ms. G