Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Everyday Oprah Winfrey

Through the years I have been moved and inspired by Oprah Winfrey's personal journey, but her work as a philanthropist has been most inspiring. Watching the reactions of the people who have been blessed by her giving have been some of the best hours that I have spent watching television. With that said, I think it is very easy to look at Oprah's efforts and think...I wish I could help people in the manner in which she helps. I realize that we can all help in the manner in which Oprah does and that I know several "everyday" Oprah Winfrey's.

Yesterday I attended the first musical production, Annie Jr., that was put on by the Sowing Performing Arts Studio, Inc. ( Under the direction of Nicole Jones a Morgan State Univ. graduate, I watched a group of African-American children ranging from the ages of 5-16 deliver an excellent performance of a timeless musical. As I sat and watched the production, I could not stop smiling.

I met Nicole through a mutual friend and at the time we were both in the developmental stages of our non-profits. We would chat/email here and there checking on the status of the other, brainstorm on how to support the other, supported fund-raisers and lent an encouraging word when the opportunity permitted.

At the conclusion of the production I don't think it was a dry eye in the venue as Nicole shared her journey to that moment. She spoke about the fear that plagues us, the desire to be gifted to do something but not knowing where to start and disappointment when things don't quite go as we planned.

As I looked around at the students, volunteers, parents and guests I pondered on a few thoughts. Oprah Winfrey is a great African American philanthropist that the world watches, but I have "everyday" Oprah's that I see daily. I realized that Oprah gives and donates based on what her resources and voice allows. Nicole Jones gives and donates to children based on what her resources and voice allows and that is what matters.

Whether Oprah is opening a school for girls in South Africa or Nicole Jones is founding a non-profit for inner city youth in Atlanta to be exposed to the arts...if we all just used our gifts, talents, resources and voice to help someone in need then we become not just "everyday" Oprah's but everyday heroes.


Anonymous said...

Wow!! I loved that. I am inspired.

miss jones said...

I have to come back to this every now and then to remember this moment and to thank God for choosing and using those who will listen and be used by Him. We dont actually know how much our gifts are inspiring others. Even when we feel like we're only doing a little it means a lot to someone else. I'm glad you were there to share in that moment and that it inspired this blog. Keep inspiring gurl!

Anonymous said...

Ms. Jones--we have to keep pushing. Growing these non-profits is not easy, but I constantly remind myself that someone's blessing is contingent on our obedience. Keep inspiring sista!!!!!!!!